Absolutely perfect! I have been waiting patiently for a swinging chime and came across this beautiful one. It sounds amazing.
There are countless examples of great works that can inspire us, but there is no better example that we have to look to other than the Sun. The Sun, often represented as Gold, is a symbol of how great our passion can be and how much potential we have to create. The life-giving energy of the Sun is a symbol of how deeply we love and how deeply we are loved, as it provides for us unconditionally and even though we aren't conscious of it, everything we are grateful for in life is somehow connected to its effects. It provides stability through the mass of its greatness and radiates the energy of its pure potential. The Sun is a symbol of what is achieved by love, compassion, and commitment.
Spiritual leaders have often been associated with the sun, our best qualities resonating with its radiance, power, and unconditional expression. To realize Wisdom is to be illuminated. With right action and devotion or commitment to life affirming principles, we align with and are filled with the pure creative potential of the light that sustains all life.
Alchemy is often associated with the phrase turning base metals into Gold. If Gold represents the greatness of our love, compassion, and commitment, when we align ourselves with those principles, we are in turn, entering into a relationship with our own pure potential. Just as the Sun is an actual body in the universe that we can see and feel, we should also believe that our greatest potential exists and is real and we can align ourselves with it however that may be for our current situation.