Myriad Melodies' Perfect Pitch 432 Hz 7pc Luminous Chakra Clear Singing Bowl set is made of all natural quartz crystal, which has the property of retaining natural frequencies and energy. These clear cosmic light bowls are of the highest quality, hand crafted, and tuned to 432 Hz, which is considered to be the musical pitch of nature. These beautiful Chakra Color bowls take on a different appearance depending on location and perspective. Depending on the lighting, they are completely clear with small hues of cosmic coloring, and in a different setting, reflective of the surrounding shapes and lighting of their environment. The only thing more beautiful than their appearance is the quality of their sound!
The 5th Octave set of bowls is the smallest size clear style bowls and are conducive to playing in a musical fashion. If you have difficulty circling the large bowls or sitting and playing for long periods of time, the 5th Octave set will be just right for you. The method for playing the 5th octave bowl is gently tapping on the side to release the pure tone. Smaller bowls have shorter resonance, but they have increased strength and amplitude. Because the resonance isn't as long, you can quickly play through a series of notes, making this the perfect choice for a quick tune up/Chakra alignment before or after a long day. While 3rd Octave is ideal for performances, the 5th Octave set is perfect for having a personal sound bath experience!
The 3rd Octave set is the largest size clear bowl set. The vibrations are lower frequency, so they sound very soft and soothing and resonate for a long time. While the sound is soft, they are still very effective, as both the physical and subtle body respond to the vibration. The 3rd Octave set, because of the long lasting, hypnotic resonance, are a great choice for sound baths and performances. Set up some speakers and a place to record and send the vibration through the Yoga Studio, Meditation room, or onto audio tracks and Youtube videos. The 3rd Octave set produces longwave vibration, so they are conducive to a slow and consistent stimulation. The 5th octave set produces shortwave vibration, so you can quickly play a series of notes in a musical fashion.
The Mixed Octave set is a balance between 5th and 3rd Octave bowls, giving you a variety of different sounds. Customers who have purchased the 3rd Octave set love the amazing sound but sometimes wish the bowls were louder, like the increased strength and amplitude of a 5th Octave bowl. Customers who have purchased the 5th Octave set sometimes wish that the resonance lasted a little longer, like the longwave vibration of the 3rd Octave bowls. The Mixed Octave set offers both types of sound properties for a versatile approach to working with sound a vibration.
Along with the stunning beauty of clear style singing bowls, their versatility and ease of use makes them an excellent resource for sound practitioners. Musical chords produced by these bowls sound absolutely heavenly, you'll be able to make a variety of different sounds by striking gently on the side and circling with the suede striker. Rhythmic pulses are produced effortlessly by gently tapping them on the side, it'll be very effective for deep meditation because you can gently strike the bowl and sit silently in the resonance of their long lasting vibrations. As you are sitting in meditation you can play a chord by circling three bowls that are at least one note apart from each other. D F and A for example or B D and G.
You can listen to a sound demo of chord B D G here, headphones are recommended -
This is a mixed octave set of bowls, sizes -
6.25" E
6.5" D
6.75" C
7" B
7.25" A
7.5" G
8" F
These are the approximate sizes of the bowls. Each sound bowl is a unique creation, and so there can be a small variance in the size of each bowl. The tone will be corrrct and it’ll be perfect pitch!
If you are a professional sound practitioner or are aspiring to become one, with this premium quality singing bowl set you can offer the most amazing experience for your clients.
This is a very high quality and delicate set that is expensive to produce and expensive to ship, it is very risky to store them for long periods of time so we will custom make a set of bowls just for you and ship them via Express services. You will have the best quality sound instruments, the fastest shipping logistics to ensure they arrive quickly, and the best insurance to cover your singing bowls during transportation.
While we do not accept cancellations, if the bowls arrive damaged or defective we will issue an immediate replacement.
Please, be sure to address any questions, concerns, or expectations you may have about this purchase before completing the transaction as we do not accept returns for this item. This singing bowl set is our premium offering and while we are certain you will be pleased with its quality, we cannot anticipate all of your expectations and it is important to us that you are happy with your purchase and that all of your requirements are met. Sound demos are available for review but please reach out to us if you require additional information before finalizing the transaction.
When cleaning the bowls, use a dry microfiber towel to gently wipe clean. The crystal bowls and coloring are very delicate, to ensure your singing bowl is not adversely affected, gently clean with a microfiber towel. There are so many different types of cleaning products and cleaning agents, many of them could potentially scratch the delicate crystal or adversely affect its coloring, so the best practice is to gently wipe clean with a dry microfiber towel.
The soothing vibrations of the clear crystal bowls are so strong and smooth, they are like engines of sound. The perfect instrument to use for a group meditation, the long-lasting resonance of a clear crystal bowl can draw the mind into deep concentration while bathing the energy field in smooth, rhythmic waves of vibration.
Many crystal singing bowls of this size have a short to medium length of resonance. You'll find with this style of bowl the resonance is long and smooth. Run the suede striker around the bowl to find its natural tone then relax and breath deeply as the sound dissipates. It is amazing how each singing bowl of this style has its own pattern of cosmic light. A clear style singing bowl is as light as air and so enjoyable to play. Do remember to be careful when handling the singing bowl and make sure it is positioned securely when circling the bowl with the striker.
Clear crystal singing bowls are the most premium quality sound instruments. They have the long lasting resonance of a metal singing bowl but are lighter than a frosted white bowl. Along with the standard tone of the bowl, gently striking it in different locations will release a range of other notes.
Most Yoga studios have a sound system for playing music, each bowl or a recording of the bowl could be played through the speakers during a meditation practice. Laying down in Shavasana or sitting in meditation while listening to the these premium sound bowls would be an amazing experience, or gently striking the bowl during the moments of pause while performing certain positions. Doing a practice in conjunction with the tones of the bowls can enhance their effectiveness when you are working with a specific chakra. Inner states of calm and wellbeing can be realized as the mind follows the sound into silence, entering the state of pure emptiness. Soothing background music has always provided the most enjoyable experience during a yoga session and there could be many similar applications using premium clear crystal singing bowls.
The tuning forks of this set are accurate within .25 - .50% of the tuning fork frequency and are made of heat treated, high quality aluminum alloy that has concentrations of magnesium, giving them added strength and longevity. This type of aluminum is highly valued because of its very light weight and conduciveness for vibration and will ensure that your tuning forks remain accurate for years.
If you are a professional sound practitioner or long time practitioner, this bundle will make an excellent addition to your collection of sound instruments. A light will be included for each one of your singing bowls that you can use for sound baths and performances, making their appearance visually stunning, and representative of their illuminating potential.
This set of 7 bowls can be condensed into 2 separate packages or carry cases.
This purchase includes 7 Clear Cosmic Light singing bowls, notes CDEFGAB, each with an o-ring and 2 heavy duty silver padded carry cases, 2 suede strikers and 2 crystal strikers. The silver padded case is reinforced with foam insulation to ensure your singing bowls remain safe. Also included with this purchase is one 9pc Chakra Tuning Fork Set with individual carry bags and strikers.
Contact us if you would like to add our Sunshine etching design to your set of bowls.
The universe is a harmonic fortress of sound and vibration, and the human body is a microcosm of this design. The 7 main regions of the body and their associated chakras represent a full octave of sound. The intention to heal with the use of vibration is a reflection of the musical activity of our energy system. The outward appearance of playing the singing bowls is an expression of the dynamic inner activity of the chakras. Balancing, aligning, and attuning the chakras can be helpful in so many ways. This dynamic can also extend to larger groups, such as yoga sessions, drum circles, sound baths, and performances, as viewing the practitioner who is performing with the singing bowls reflects back to us the experience of the spiritual activity.
Current research into the use of chanting and singing syllables or seed sounds indicates a tremendous amount of potential for healing and personal development. Yoga, meditation, and Qi Gong are widely accepted as alternative healing modalities and each of them can be used with sound instruments. In the practice of Yoga, mudras and bandhas are muscle contractions that hold the body in the correct posture for chi or vital energy to flow through the chakras and meridians. It can be helpful to practice good posture while playing the singing bowls.
The beautiful waves of vibrations and melodies of the singing bowls register in each of the major regions of the body, and the mind instantly recognizes this as healthy. People often listen to music because it allows us to relax and enter into a state of mind that is receptive for healing and transformation. As the mind is entrained in the frequencies and pure tones of vibration, it can easily enter into deep states of meditation. This is an excellent time to practice affirmations, prayer, or enter the alpha level and unlock the potential of the mind.
Sitting in the position of meditation while playing the singing bowls provides a powerful opportunity to help yourself and others. This is an invaluable activity for Reiki practitioners and distance healers when we apply intention, visualization, and the guidance of the heart chakra.
Playing many of the bowls at once creates a bath of harmonic vibrations. Just as we experience different energies in life, this represents an opportunity to reflect from a level of pure being, to just let go, and vibrationally experience the joyfulness and beauty of creation. With the practice of slow rhythmic breathing, you can experience Samadhi, the absorption into pure consciousness as the mind follows the sound into silence.
The word Solfeggio refers to the Solfege, the musical syllables that are chanted or sung for their healing benefit - DO RE ME FA SOL LA and TI. The Solfege or musical syllables represent the seed sound of the chakras. Annunciating the seed sound stimulates the associated chakra and region of the body, providing nourishing vital energy. Each crystal singing bowl of this set corresponds to the Solfege syllables DO RE ME FA SOL LA and TI. It is recommended to practice chanting and singing the seed sounds with your bowls. If you are a musician or singer, this is an excellent way to season the voice and expand your vocal range.
Singing bowl sets are an amazing opportunity to receive the benefits of sound healing, and when used in combination with Yoga, Qi Gong, mantra or chanting, and meditation, becomes a very powerful practice that can be healing for yourself and others, and also provide the opportunity for personal growth and transformation.
Our 9pc Solfeggio Tuning Fork Set with precision tune is available for purchase, here -
Each tone in this set is associated with a different chakra. The notes that compose the seven chakras are: 6” B – Crown, 7” A - Third Eye, 8” G – Throat, 9” F – Heart, 10” E – Solar Plexus, 11” D – Sacral, and 12” C - Root.
Each fork in this set of colored chakra weighted tuning forks is associated with a different chakra. This is a complete 9pc set containing: 9th - Soul Purpose 272.20 Hz, 8th - Crown … 172.06 Hz, 7th - Third Eye … 221.23 Hz, 6th - Throat … 141.27 Hz, 5th - Heart (Same as OM) … 136.10 Hz, 4th - Solar Plexus … 126.22 Hz, 3rd - Sacral … 210.42 Hz, 2nd - Root … 194.18 Hz, and 1st - Earth Star ... 68.05 Hz. A FREE Schumann Tuning Fork is included!
The 9pc Chakra Tuning Fork Set with precision tune can be purchased, here -
Chakra balancing, meditation, energy healing, clearing stagnant energy, reiki, etc. are practices that can be used in conjunction with sound instruments.
Please, reach out to us if you need any help with your sound instruments. If you are a professional sound practitioner and require a specific configuration for your tuning forks, please contact us and we'll make sure the necessary specifications are met, as well as, provide additional support to help with the maintenance of your tuning forks. Silver tuning forks do not have a painted finish and may require additional cleaning. We recommend researching the method and type of cleaning product that is right for you. There is an amazing shift of energy that happens when you clean and ready your sound instruments for use. Energetically, it is a powerful way to put some love into what you do!
This singing bowl set is perfect pitch.
Depending on availability, the purple padded case we send may have a slightly different appearance than the product photos but we are certain that you will be pleased with its quality.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns and to let us know how we may accommodate your purchase. Thank you so much for all of the reviews with beautiful photos of the items you've purchased! 🤍
If you are interested in helping us test out new products, please mention it in the personalization or instructions field. Please, contact us privately via chat to provide feedback regarding the items from your order.
Using essential oils in conjunction with activities like Yoga, Meditation, and Qi Gong, adds to the holistic effect of the activity. Essential oils offer a very simple and safe way to connect with a variety of different plants from all over the world. Our Essential Oils are available for purchase, here -
Select a colorful Roll-Up Carry Bag for your tuning fork set -
Select a colorful Activator to use with your tuning fork set (coupon SAVE20) -
Select matching color Light Up Acrylic Striker for your singing bowl (coupon SAVE20) -
Check out our store for other great sound instruments here -
We provide original product photos and write thoughtful descriptions to showcase the beauty and potential of the products we sell. Our descriptions are based on our practice, experience, inspiration, and hard work. We value you as a customer and appreciate your business.
Our product photos, descriptions, and promotional language are protected by copyright and monitored by 3rd parties.
Be cautious of online stores that attempt to clone our listings by copying the titles and descriptions. All of our content is written in the authentic voice of our brand Myriad Melodies.
While we stand by the quality, description, and effectiveness of our products, and believe that an optimistic mindset can be very helpful, we do not make any claims about the products we sell.
This store's content, including ideas, suggestions, strategies, posts, and other materials, is only intended to provide you with general knowledge. We believe in the effectiveness of vibration and use these products ourselves, but these products are not intended to replace medical advice from a medical professional. Always seek medical advice before the use or replacement with any of these tools.
We want you to have a great experience shopping with us! If your item is damaged or defective in any way, contact us within 48hrs of receiving your item and we'll make it right:)
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