Myriad Melodies' Professional Tuning Fork Carry Bag is a must have to use with your tuning fork set. The carry bag is made of durable canvas material and is available in a variety of beautiful, earthy colors. Along with the strong canvas material, each carry bag has an extra layer of protection that prevents the tuning forks from falling out and holds them in place so they don't clank together.
The tuning forks and attenuators are sold separately, but there is an option to include a colorful Tuning Fork Activator with your purchase. Please, check the product photos for a picture of the available tuning fork Activators.
Our 10pc plug-in bag will accommodate a full 9pc set of tuning forks plus an additional tuning fork, like a 528hz, 174hz, and Schumann 93.96hz. Built into the carry bag are storage compartments that are designed to hold our tuning fork Activators, Attenuators, and other tuning fork accessories.
Instructions -
Install your tuning forks and striker inside the different slots, add your accessories to the built-in carry pouches, roll the bag from left to right, and then use the microfiber strap to tie it off (please, check the demo video for your reference).
Included with this purchase is one 10pc Tuning Fork Carry Bag, and there is an option to add a colorful Tuning Fork Activator by making a selection with the drop down menu.
Our 9pc Tuning Fork Sets can be used with this Carry Bag -
Check out some of our other great Tuning Fork Attenuator Bundles -
Our custom 15pc Tuning Fork Carry Bag is available for purchase, here -
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns and to let us know how we may accommodate your purchase.
Using essential oils in conjunction with activities like Yoga, Meditation, Qi Gong, and Sound Healing, adds to the holistic effect of the healing activity. The oldest form of medicine is plant medicine, and essential oils offer a very simple and safe way to connect with a variety of different plants from all over the world. Our Essential Oils are available for purchase, here -
Select matching color Light Up Acrylic Striker for your singing bowl (coupon SAVE20) -
Check out our store for other great sound instruments here -
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Be cautious of online stores that attempt to clone our listings by copying the titles and descriptions. All of our content is written in the authentic voice of our brand Myriad Melodies.
While we stand by the quality, description, and effectiveness of our products, and believe that an optimistic mindset can be very helpful, we do not make any claims about the products we sell.
This store's content, including ideas, suggestions, strategies, posts, and other materials, is only intended to provide you with general knowledge. We believe in the power of vibration and use these products ourselves, but these products are not intended to replace medical advice from a medical professional. Always seek medical advice before the use or replacement with any of these tools.
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